5 Months of stories from the Old Testament


  • September: Genesis: Creation to Noah

  • October: Genesis: Abrahman and Sarah

  • November: Genesis: Jacob, Joseph, Egypt

  • December: Exodus: Moses, the Wilderness

  • January: Joshua: Canaan and Settlement

  • February: Judges: The Judging of Israel

  • March: Samuel/Chron./Kings: David/Solomon

  • April: Kings/Elijah: Two Kingdoms

  • May: Ez./Dan./Esther/Neh.: Captivity, Return

  • June: Malachi/Isaiah: Preparing for Messiah

Sept. wk1 Lesson 1:
Creation Story Quiz

What did God make on the first day of creation?

What did God make on the second day of creation?

What did God make on the third day of creation?

What did God make on the fourth day of creation?

What did God make on the fifth day of creation?

What did God make on the sixth day of creation?

What did God make on the seventh day of creation?

How did God feel about creating the world?


Sept. wk2 Lesson 2:
The Fall of Man

The snake was the trickiest creature that God made.

One day he asked the woman, “Did God say not to eat any of the fruits in the garden?” The woman answered, “No, God said not to eat the fruit from the three that’s in the middle of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said that if we eat that fruit, we’ll die.”

Then the snake said, “You won’t really die if you eat it, you’ll just become wise like God.” So the woman looked at the fruit, and it did look really good, and she thought it would make her wise, so she took it and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband and he ate it. And then their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked, so they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths to cover themselves.

That evening the man and his wife heard God walking in the garden, and they hid in the trees. God called to the man asking, “Where are you?” Then the man answered, saying, “When I heard you walking in the garden, I hid because I’m naked.” The God said, “Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?”

The man said, “The woman that you gave to me, she gave me the fruit and I ate it.” Then God asked the woman, “What have you done?” The woman said, “The snake tricked me and I ate it.”

God cursed the man, the woman and the snake.

God told the snake that from then on he would have to go through life crawling on his belly, eating dust. He said that the children of people would be enemies of the snake’s children.

He told the woman that she would have pain when her children were born, and her husband would rule over her.

He told the man that the ground was cursed because of what he did, and that he would have to work very ahrd to get food from the earth.

Then God made clothes out of animal skins for the man and woman, and made them leave the Garden of Eden. Finally, God placed an angel at the entrance of the garden, and a flaming sword at the tree of life, so that the man and woman couldn’t come and take a fruit from that tree and live forever.

Fall of Man Quiz

  1. Who did the snake trick in the Garden of Eden?

  2. Who did the woman give the fruit to?

  3. When the people ate the fruit, what did they know that they didn’t know before?

  4. What did the man and woman do when they heard God walking in the garden?

  5. Who did God curse?

  6. Did God ket the man and woman stay in the Garden of Eden

  7. What did God do to keep the man and woman away from the tree of life?

  8. How do you think God felt about what the man and woman did?

Cain And Abel

The man and his wife, Eve, had two sons. The older son was named Cain and the younger son was named Abel. Cain was a farmer who grew things from the earth. Avel was a shepherd, who tended his flock of sheep.

As time went by, Cain gave an offering to God. He gave things that he had grown from the earth. Avel also gave an offering to God. He gave one of the first-born lambs from his flock.

God accepted Avel’s offering, but He did not accept Cain’s offering. So Cain became very angry and the look on his face became sad. God asked Cain, “Why are you angry and why do you have such a sad look on your face? If you do a good job, I will accept it. But if you do not do a good job, evil is right ouside your door and it wants to get you. But you must be better than it is.”

Then Cain asked Abel to go out in the field with him. When they got there, Cain killed his younger brother abel. Then God said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” Cain answered God by saying, “Am I supposed to watch over him all the time?” Then God said, “What did you do? Listen I can hear your brother’s blood crying to me from the ground! And now you will be cursed from that ground. It will no longer grow things for you. You must go run away and wander around the earth.”

Cain said that his punishment was too hard to take, and that anyone who meets him might kill him. But God put a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him. Then Cain went away. After that, Adam and Eve had another son, and named him Seth. Eve said that this son was to take the place of Avel, who had been killed by Cain. When Seth grew up he had a son whom he named Enosh and people began to pray to God.


Sept. wk3 Lesson 3:

There were ten generations from Adam to Noah. (Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah)

At the time of Noah there was so much wickedness and violence among people on the earth that God was grieved and was sorry that he had made man. But God saw that Noah was good. God wanted to get rid of all the evil and keep only the good, so he told Noah that he was going to bring a flood. God asked Noah to build an ark so that his family and animals would be kept alive. God gave Noah exact instruction of how to build the ark. He told Noah to collect a male and female of every kind of animal to go with him and his family on the ark. He also told Noah to take every sort of food for his family and the animals.

Noah did everything that God asked him to do. Then God told Noah to enter the ark. Noah went into the ark with his wide, his thee sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their three wives. They also took all of the animals that God had instructed Noah to take onto the ark.

One week later, the rain began to fall. It rained for forty days and forty nights. It rained so much that even the tallest mountains were far under water. Only those who were with Noah in the ark, remained alive. Everyone and everything else died.

When the forty days of rain were finished, Noah opened a window in the ark and let out a raven, which flew back and forth until the waters went down. Then Noah sent out a dove to see if there was any dry ground yet. The dove returned, so Noah waited a week and sent the dove out a second time. This time it came back with a fresh olive leaf in its mouth, so Noah knew that there was some dry ground on the earth. He waited one more week and sent the dove out a third time. This time the dove did not return to the ark.

When Noah removed the covering of the ark, he saw that the ground was dry. Then all those who had been on the ark with Noah, left the ark.

Noah built an altar and made an offering to God. “And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth'”. And God put a rainbow in the sky to show his promise to mankind that he would never again bring a flood to destroy the earth.

Then Noah planted a vineyard, and made wine. One day he became drunk from the wine, and fell asleep naked in his tent. When his son Ham saw him there, Ham got his two brothers, Shem and Japheth to go in and cover their father, Noah, without looking at him. As soon as they had done this, Noah woke up and cursed Ham’s son, Canaan, saying that Canaan would be a slave to the sons of Shem and Japheth.

Noah Quiz

  1. What were the people like at the time of Noah?

  2. How did God feel about the people?

  3. What did God tell Noah to do?

  4. How long did it rain?

  5. How did Noah know that there was dry ground?

  6. What was the first thing that Noah did when he left the ark?

  7. What did God do to show his promise to man that he would never flood the earth again?

  8. What did Noah do when his son’s covered him?

Bible Quote:

“And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.'”


Sept. wk4 Lesson 4:
Abram Part 1

There were ten generations from Shem to Abram. (Shem, Arpachshad, Shelah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abram)

God told Abram to go to the land that God would show him. God said to Abram “And I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and him who curses you I will curse. And by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.” But Abram’s wife, Sarai, had no child.

So Abram took his wife and his nephew, Lot, and they headed for the land of Canaan. When they got to Shechem, Abram built an altar and God told Abram that he would give this land to Abram’s descendants. As Abram was traveling around the land, he and his nephew, Lot, became very wealthy, and had many herds of animals. There were so many animals that there wasn’t enough land to feed all the animals, so Abram and Lot had to split up. Abram gave Lot the first choice of which land he wanted. Lot chose to go to the Jordan valley, and Abram stayed in the land of Canaan.

Then God told Abram to look at the land, and said that He gave it to Abram’s descendants. God said that Abram’s descendants would be like the dust, if he could count the pieces of dust on the earth, that was how many descnedants Abram would have. But still, Sarai had no child. There were many kings in the land, and one group of 5 kings was fighting with another group of 4 kings. Abram’s nephew, Lot, was living in the city of Sodom when it was invaded by one group of kings, and Lot and all that he owned was captured and taken away. When Abram heard about it, he took 318 of his trained men and went and freed Lot and got back all that had been taken. Then Abram met with the kings that all the things had been taken from and gave them all back their shares.

Then God came to Abram in a vision, and told him that his reward would be great. But Abram asked God what could God give him, since God hadn’t given him a son, when Abram died, everythign that he had would go to his slave. But God said, “No!” He told Abram to look at the stars and count them, and said that that was how many descendants Abram would have. God said, “I am the God who brought you here to give you this land”. Then Abram asked “How can I know that it will be my land?”

So God told Abram to make an offering. He said to bring a heifer, 3 years old, boy and girl goats, 3 years old, and a dove and a pigeon. Abram brought them all and cut the heifer in two, and cut both goats in two, but didn’t cut the birds in two. Then when birds of prey came down upon the carcasses, Abram chased them away.

As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep. and he was filled with dread and a great darkness came on him. God said to him “Know that surely your descendants will be travelers in other people’s land and they will be slaves there for 400 years. And then I will punish the people who made them slaves and your descendants will go free and be rich”. God told Abram that he would die peacefully when he was old, and after the 400 years his descendants would come back to this land.

Then, in the darkness, a smoking fire pot and a flaming sword passed between the pieces. And God promised Abram, “To your descendants I give this land.”

Abram Part 1 Quiz

  1. What was Abram’s wife’s name?

  2. What land did God promise to give to Abram?

  3. What did God say he would give many of to Abram?

  4. Was Abram fair to the kings when he got back all their people and possessions?

  5. What was Abram’s nephew’s name?

  6. God asked Abram to make an offering, what mistake did Abram make?

  7. What was going to happen because of Abram’s mistake in the offering?

  8. Was God still going to give Abram’s descendants the prmised land?

Bible Quote:

(God to Abram) “And he brought him outside and said, ‘Look toward heaven and number the stars, if you are able to nunmber them’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be.'”


Sept wk5 Lesson 5:
Abram Becomes Abraham

Sarai, Abram’s wife, was growing old and still didn’t have a child.

God came to Abram again, and told him that his name was no longer Abram, but his name would be Abraham. He also told Abraham that he should no longer call his wife Sarai, but that Sarah would be her name. God told Abraham that Sarah would have a son, even though she was very old. God said that Abraham should name the baby Isaac, God said that the promised land would be given to this son, Isaac’s descendants.

Some time later, God came to Abraham in the form of three men. Abraham gave them food and drink. They told Abraham that Sarah would have a son the next year, even though she would be ninety years old. Sarah was in a tent nearby and heard the men talking. She laughed because she didn’t believe what they said.

When the men (also called the Lord) began to leave, Abraham walked with them to send them off. They were going to the city of Sodom, where Abraham’s nephew, Lot, lived. The men talked among themselves about whether or not they should tell Abragam what they were going to do. They decided that, since they trusted Abraham to teach his children and his descendants to what is right and fair. They would tell him.

The men told Abraham that they had heard that the people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were extremely bad. Abraham understood that the Lord was going to destroy the cities, and that Sodom would be the first to be destroyed. Abraham said to the Lord, “If there are fifty good people in the city, will you save the city from destruction because of those fifty people?” And the Lord said, “Yes, if there are fifty good people, I will not destroy the city.” Then Abraham said, “If there are forty five good people, will you not destroy the city?” And the Lord said, “Yes, if there are forty five good people, I will not destroy the city.” Then Abraham said, “If there are forty good people, will you not destroy the city?” And the Lord said, “Yes, if there are forty good people, I will not destroy the city.” Then Abraham said, “If there are thirty good people, will you not destroy the city?” And the Lord said, “Yes, if there are thirty good people, I will not destroy the city.” Then Abraham said, “If there are twentyy good people, will you not destroy the city?” And the Lord said, “Yes, if there are twenty good people, I will not destroy the city.” Abraham spoke again, “Oh let not the Lord be angry and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there?” He answered, “for the sake of ten I will not destroy it.” And the Lord went his way when he had finished speaking to Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.

Abram Becomes Abraham Quiz

  1. God changed Abram’s name to what name?

  2. God changed Sarai’s name to what name?

  3. What did God tell Abraham to name Sarah’s son?

  4. What did Sarah do when she heard the Lord say that she would have a son.

  5. What were the names of the extremely bad cities?

  6. Did the lord trust Abraham enough to tell him about planning to destroy the bad cities?

  7. Did the lord agree not to destroy the city if ten good people could be found in it?

Bible Quote:

“‘Oh let not the lord be angry and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there?’ He answered, ‘for the sake of ten I will not destroy it’. And the Lord went his way when he had finished speaking to Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.”


Oct. wk1 Lesson 6:
Sodom and Gomorrah and The Birth and Offering of Isaac

Two angels came to the city of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he invited them into his home. They ate and slept there that night. Besides Lot’s family, not even one other good person could be found in the city. The angels warned Lot that the Lord had sent them to destroy Sodom because its people were so wicked. Lot tried to warn the two men who were engaged to his two daughters, but they thought that Lot was joking. When the sun was rising, the two angels made Lot and his wide and two daughters leave Sodom quickly. The angels told Lot and his family to go quickly, and not to stop or look back or they would be consumed. God made fire rain onto the city of Sodom. But Lot’s wife did look back and she became a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters got away and lived in a cave near the city of Zoar. God saved Lot because he was Abraham’s nephew.

As God had promised, Abraham’s wife, Sarah, gave birth to a son even though Abraham and Sarah were very old. Abraham named his son Isaac, as God had told him to do. This was the son that God had promised to bless and give the land of Canaan.

After some time, God tested Abraham saying, “Take your son, your only son Isaac whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” (Gen. 22:2)

So Abraham took his son Isaac and they traveled for three days to go to the place of which God had told Abraham. Abraham carried the fire and his knife, and Isaac carried the wood for the offering. Isaac asked Abraham where was the lamb for the offering. Abraham said that God would provide the lamb for the offering.

When they arrived at the place that God had told Abraham about, Abraham built an altar. He arranged the wood and he tied up Isaac and put him on the wood on the altar. Abraham took the knife in his hand to kill his son. Then the Lord called to him from heaven saying, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son from me.” (Gen. 22:12) Then Abraham looked up and a ram was caught by its horns in some thick bushes. He took that ram and offered it instead of his son.

God spoke again, saying, “…because you had done this, and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will indeed bless you and I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand which is on the seashore. And your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies, and by your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves, because you have obeyed my voice.” (Gen. 22:16-18)

Sodom and Gamorrah and The Birth and Offering of Isaac Quiz

  1. Did the angels find ten good people in Sodom so they could save the city?

  2. What kind of rain fell on the city of Sodom?

  3. When Abraham’s wife, Sarah, gave birth to a son, what did Abraham name him?

  4. What did God ask Abraham to offer on the mountain in Moriah?

  5. How long did Abraham and Isaac have to travel to get to the mountain in Moriah?

  6. What did Abraham use as an offering on the mountain in Moriah?

  7. Did God bless Abraham after the offering?

  8. Do you think it was easy for God to ask Abraham to make this offering?

  9. Do you think it was easy for Abraham to make this offering?

Bible Quote:

(Gen. 22:16-18), “…because you have done this, and have not withheld you son, your only son, I will indeed bless you and I will multiply and your descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand which is on the seashore. And your descendants shall possess the gate if their enemies, and by your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves, because you have obeyed my voice.”


Oct. wk2 Lesson 7:
A Wife For Isaac

Abraham continued to grow wealthy with God’s blessing. After Sarah passed away, when Abraham was very old and Isaac was 40 years old, Abraham told his servant to go to the land where Abraham’s relatives lived to find a wife for Isaac. Abraham made his servant swear to find a wife who was a relative of Abraham. The servant swore to do it.

The servant took many fine gifts and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor, Abraham’s brother. He arrived outside the city in the evening by a well. He stopped and prayed. He asked God to help him find the wife for Isaac. He asked God to let the wife be the woman whom he would ask for a drink of water and she would give him a drink and give water to his camels too. Just as he looked up from praying, he saw a beautiful young woman, Rebekah, coming to the well to get water. He asked for a drink and she it to him. Then she gave water to his camels too.

The servant took a gold ring and two gold bracelets to give to the woman. The servant asked the young woman who she was. She said that she was the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah and Nahor. She was the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother, Nahor! He asked the young woman if he could stay at her father’s home for the night. She said “yes”. He thanked God for helping him find the relatives of his master, Abraham.

Abraham’s servant told Rebekah’s father, Bethuel, that he had sworn to find a wife who was a relative of Abraham for Abrahman’s son, Isaac, to marry. He also told him about how he had prayed at the well, and how Rebekah had come, answering his prayer. Rebekah’s father, Bethuel and her brother, Laban, agreed that this was the work of the Lord. They gave Rebekah permission to go and marry Isaac. The servant gave many beautiful gifts to Rebekah’s family.

Rebekah said goodbye to her family. “And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, ‘Our sister, be the mother of thousands and of ten thousands; and may your descendants possess the gate of those who hate them!'” (Gen. 24:60) Rebekah went with the servant back to the land of the Canaanites, where Abraham and Isaac lived. Rebekah became Isaac’s wife and he loved her.

A Wife For Isaac Quiz

  1. Whom did Abraham send to find a wife for Isaac?

  2. What did the servant take with him when he went to find a wife for Isaac?

  3. What did the servant do when he got to the city of Nahor?

  4. What did Rebekah give to Abrahman’s servant?

  5. What did the servant give to Rebekah?

  6. What was the name of Rebekah’s brother?

  7. Did God help the servant find a wife for Isaac?

Bible Quote:

(Gen. 24:60) “And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, ‘Our sister, be the mother of thousands and of ten thousands; and may your descendants possess the gate of those who hate them!'”

Jacob and Esau (Part 1)

Jacob married Rebekah when Jacob was 40 years old. For 20 years, Rebekah had no child. Jacob prayed that Rebekah would have a child, and God granted his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant with twins. The twins fought with each other even before they were born! Rebekah prayed to God asking why this was happening. God told Rebekah that she was expecting twins and that one would be stronger than the other and that the older one would be a servant to the younger one. When they were born, the older one, who was born first, was named Esau. The younger one was holding onto his older brother’s ankle when he was bron. He was named Jacob.

When the boys grew up, Esau was a good hunter and farmer, and Jacob was a quiet man who stayed at home. Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob. Because Esau was born first, he had what was called the “birthright” (that means all the things that come to the firstborn son), and Jacob did not. Once Jacob made a pot of lentil stew, and Esau came home very hungry after working in the field. Esau asked Jacob to give him some of the stew. Jacob told Esau that he would give him the stew if Esau would give him his birthright. Esau said that he was so hungry that he was going to die anyway, and the birthright wouldn’t be any good to him if he was dead so he swore to give the birthright to Jacob, and Jacob gave Esau the stew. Esau did not think his birthright was very important.

Isaac and his family went to the land of Gerar and grew very wealthy there. When he became very old, and could barely see, Isaac called his older son, Esau, and told him to go hunt for some meat and make some stew the way he liked it, and Isaac would give Esau his blessing which was for his elder son. Rebekah heard what Isaac said to Esau, and she told Jacob to go get two goats from their flocks and she would make some stew the way that Isaac liked it, and Jacob would give it to his father and Isaac would bless Jacob, instead of Esau. Jacob was afraid because Esau was very hairy and Jacob was not, and he thought that if he tried to trick his father, that his father would know that he was not Esau and would end up cursing him instead of blessing him. Rebekah told Jacob that if Isaac cursed Jacob, she would take the curse on herself. So Rebekah put the skins of goats on the neck and arms of Jacob to make him feel hairy. She gave him Esau’s clothes so that he smelled like Esau too. Then Jacob took the stew in and gave it to his father to eat, pretending that he was Esau. Isaac thought the Jacob was Esau and he gave the blessings of heaven and earth, and that his brothers would be his servants, and that anyone who blessed him would be blessed, and anyone who cursed him would be cursed. Then Jacob left his father and soon Esau came in to give his father the stew and get his blessing. Then Isaac and Esau realized that Isaac had given the blessings to Jacob instead of Esau. Esau was so upset that he planned to kill Jacob. So Jacob had to run away. Rebakah told Jacob to go live with her borther, Laban, in Haran. Jacob did as his mother told him to do.

Jacob left his family and went toward Haran. After the first day of traveling, Jacob found a place to spend the night. He took a stone and put it under his head to sleep. That night Jacob had a dream. In the dream Jacob saw a ladder that reached from earth into heaven. Angels were going up and down the ladder. God stood above the ladder and spoke to Jacob telling him that He was the God of Abraham, and that He gave this land where Jacob was to Jacob and his descendants. God told Jacob that his descendants would be as many as the dust of the earth, and that the people of the earth would be blessed through his descendants. He told Jacob that He would be with Jacob, and would keep him safe wherever he went and would one day bring him back to this land. When Jacob woke up from his dream he said, “‘Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it.’ And he was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.'” (Gen. 28:16-17) Then Jacob took the stone from under his head and made a pillar and poured oil on it, and named the place “Bethel”. Then he made a vow that if God would take care of him, then he would give one tenth of everything that he had to God.

Jacob and Esau (Part 1) Quiz

  1. What was the name of the first son of Isaac and Rebekah?

  2. What was the name of the second son of Isaac and Rebekah?

  3. What two things did Jacob take from Esau?

  4. What was going from earth to heaven in Jacob’s dream?

  5. What did Jacob use to mark the place where he had the dream?

  6. Did God bless Jacob?

  7. What did Jacob promise God?

Bible Quote:

(Gen. 26:16-17) “‘Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it.’ And he was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.'”


Jacob and his brother, Esau now got along well, so both their families could live happily together in the land of Canaan. While they were living in Canaan, Benjamin, Jacob’s twelfth son, was born. But Jacob’s beloved wife, Rachel, died giving birth to Benjamin. Also, when Isaac was 180 years old, he died. Esau and Jacob buried him.

Jacob and his twelve sons lived and worked together in the land of Canaan, the land where his father, Isaac, had been a traveler all his life. Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his children, because Joseph was the son given to him by Rachel when he was old. Because of his special love for Joseph, Jacob made him a long robe with sleeves. When his brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than the others, they hated him and argued with him constantly.

Once, Joseph had a dream that he and his brothers were binding sheaves in a field, and Joseph’s sheaf rose up and the sheaves of his brothers gathered around Joseph’s sheaf and bowed down to it. When he told the dream to his brothers, they said, “Are you really going to rule over us?” And they hated him even more because of the dream.

Then, Joseph had another dream. In this dream, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to Joseph. When Joseph told this dream to his father and his brothers, his father scolded him saying, “Will I and your mother and your brothers acutally come to bow down to you?” And his brothers were jealous, but his father kept thinking about the dream.


The older brothers of Joseph had been sent out by their father, Jacob, to take the sheep to a different area of Canaan. Then Jacob asked Joseph to go to his brothers and check on how they and the sheep were doing. So Joseph went to find his brothers.

When his brothers saw Joseph walking toward them, they remembered how jealous they were of Joseph and his dreams, so they talked about killing him and telling their father that he had been killed by an animal.

But Reuben, the oldest, said, let’s not kill him, let’s just throw him in a pit. (Reuben was thinking that he would try to get Joseph safely back to their father.) So the brothers threw Joseph in a pit.

But while Reuben was away eating lunch, a caravan of Ishmaelites came by on its way to Egypt. Judah convinced his brothers that they should sell Joseph as a slave, instead of killing him. They pulled him out of the pit, took his long coat with sleeves off of him and sold him for twenty pieces of silver.

When Reuben went back the the pit and saw the Joseph was gone, he was worried about what to say to his father. The brothers decided to dip Joseph’s long robe in goat’s blookd and say that they had found it and the Joseph must have been killed by some wild animal.

When they went back and gave the blook-covered robe to Jacob, Jacob did think that Joseph was dead. He tore his clothes and mourned for his beloved son.

When his other children tried to confort him, Jacob would not be conforted and said that he would mourn Joseph until the day that he died.

secondManish Saluja