Aim to learn the importance of listening to God’s word

*To be familiar with main points of the story
*To learn the importance of listening to God’s word

Exodus 7-11
The Beginner’s Bible
Visual aids – pictures from the story
Spot-the-difference pictures
Scissors, glue
Key words: Egyptians, Israelites, Pharaoh, stubborn

Lesson Outline
1. Review last week’s story
2. Story
3. Discussion
4. Activities – retell the story, worksheet, memory, spot-the difference, Simon Says
5. Review the aims
6. Prayer

1) Review last week’s story
One day while Moses was watching sheep, he saw a burning bush, but it wasn’t hot. Then God’s voice spoke. He told Moses to go back to Egypt and bring his people out of Egypt to a new land called Canaan. God told Moses to go to the Pharaoh and speak to him.

2) Story
Moses and the plagues
Moses and his brother, Aaron went to the king pharaoh to ask him to let God’s people go. The king was very stubborn. Moses had a stick that became a snake when he threw it down. The king’s magicians did the same thing with their tricks.

God told Moses to meet the king at the river in the morning. He talked to the king again, but the king would not let God’s people go. So, God told Moses to dip his stick into the river. When he did, the water turned to blood. However, the king would not listen to Moses.

Next, Moses met the king and asked him to let God’s people go. This time the land was flooded with frogs. There were frogs everywhere!

Next, God sent gnats because the king would not listen. They flew around everywhere. Still, the king still would not let the people go.

The fourth plague was flies. They swarmed over all the Egyptian people, but were nowhere around God’s people. The king told Moses that they could go and worship God, if God would take the flies away. The flies left, but the king changed his mind and would not let the people go.

Then, Moses told the king that there would be a disease on the farm animals if he did not let them go. Sure enough, the disease killed all the animals but the king was still stubborn.

God told Moses and Aaron to scoop up ashes from a furnace. He told them to throw them into the air in front of the king.When they did this, the Egyptian people broke out in sores called boils.

Next, Moses told the king that a thunderous hail storm would come. It came and ruined the crops in the fields. The king told Moses that the people could go. But when the hail stopped, the king changed his mind again.

Moses and Aaron went to the king again. They asked to worship God or swarms of locusts would come. Locusts are like grasshoppers. At first, the king agreed until he realized that even the children were going. Then, he told Moses, “No.” The locusts came. In fact, there were so many that the sky was black with them. They ate all the plants and made life miserable. When the king asked for mercy, the plague stopped, but then he told Moses, “No!”

For the next plague, God caused darkness in the Egyptian city for 3 days. However, where God’s people lived, it was both night and day as usual. The king still would not change his mind. He would not let God’s people go.

Finally for the tenth plague, Moses told the king that the last plague would change his heart. An angel was assigned to kill all the first born boys of all the families. God had His people prepare for the last plague. All God’s people marked their doorposts with blood from a lamb. This was a sign for the angel that passed over that he would not kill the first son in that family. All night long crying could be heard in Egypt. People were realizing that their first born sons were killed. Even the king’s son died. This caused the king to finally let God’s people go.

3) Discussion
* What happened because Pharaoh didn’t listen?
There were ten plagues
1 – Blood, 2 – Frogs , 3 – Gnats, 4 – Flies , 5 – Disease in Livestock , 6 – Boils, 7 – Hail, 8 – Locusts
9 – Darkness, 10 – Death of Firstborn

* Why didn’t Pharaoh let the people go?
He wouldn’t listen. He was stubborn. Stubborn means he wouldn’t change his mind.

* How do you think Moses felt when Pharaoh would not listen?
Sad, frustrated, angry

* How do you feel when people won’t listen to you?
* How do your parents feel when you don’t listen to them?
* What happens when you do listen?
* Why should we listen to God’s word?

4) Activities
*Retell the story – Put the pictures in the correct order and retell the story in your own words
*Worksheet – Cut and paste the ten plagues in the correct order
*Memory game – using picture cards
*Spot-the -difference – find 10 differences between the pictures. Circle them
*Action Game – Play “Simon Says” with the words, “Moses says” and do actions that represent the plagues, such as: ‘Moses says’ take 5 leap frogs,
‘Moses says’ be gnats and take 3 wing flaps,
. . . grasshopper hops,
. . . stomps like hail stones, etc.

5) Review the lesson aims
*To be familiar with main points of the story
*To learn the importance of listening to God’s word

6) Prayer

firstManish Saluja