Aim to discuss the meaning of Christmas

* to discuss the meaning of Christmas
* To learn the Bible verse John 3:16

* Papa Panovs Special Day (long version)
* The story of Pappa Panov (short version)
* Pictures from the story
* Craft materials – scissors, glue, coloured pencils

Lesson Outline
1. Discuss the meaning of Christmas
2. Story – Papa Panovs Special Day
3. Discussion
4. What can we give at Christmas?
3. Activities – gift basket, Christmas candle, learn John 3:16
4. Conclusion
5. Prayer

1) Discuss the meaning of Christmas

What does Christmas mean to the children? Ask them. Here are some ideas
• To remember birth of Jesus
• God sent Jesus into this world to show his love for everyone.
• We celebrate the gift of God’s son to the world
* Christmas is about giving gifts to each other
* It is a time of joy. When we give and receive presents we feel a lot of joy in our hearts
* Santa Claus
* It is a time of peace and goodwill to all people.
* It is a time for families to be together

2) Papa Panov’s Special Day
Based on the Christmas parable by Leo Tolstoy, it tells the tale of a kindly Russian shoemaker who has a dream in which Jesus says he will visit him the next day, Christmas day. When the big day
comes, he helps lonely strangers, but Jesus never comes. In another dream that night, Jesus appears again and tells him “all the time you were helping them, you were helping me.”

3) Discussion
* What did Papa Panov dream about?
* What gift did he decide to give to Jesus?
* Which people did he meet that day?
* What did he give them?
* What happened at the end of the day?
* Did Jesus come?
* What can we learn from this story? 

– When Papa Panov gave gifts to those in need he was also giving gifts to Jesus. He showed God’s love by his generosity. Jesus came to give God’s love. When we give gifts at Christmas, we are
giving God’s love, which is what Jesus did.

– The Bible verse John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” is good to discuss to understand what the
birth of Jesus means

4) What can we give at Christmas?
Talk about ways we can share God’s love with others. What can you give ? What can do to make others happy? Can you a gift? Can you help at home? There are two craft activities to make in this
lesson. Choose one and give a Christmas gift to a family member, relative or friend

5) Activities
* Make a gift basket
1. Color and cut out the patterns.
2. Fold on the dashed lines.
3. Apply glue on the back of leaves, and glue to form a box shape.
4. Glue on the handle.
5. Fill with goodies and give as a gift.

* Make a Christmas candle
1. Color and cut out the patterns.
2. Fold on the dashed lines.
3. Apply glue to the tab, and roll the pattern to form a tube shape.
4. Glue the two holly leaves under the Bible verse. Do not cover verse.
5. Fold and set up the candle.

*Write and learn John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

6) Conclusion
Ask each child what they could learn from today’s lesson. Refer to the lesson aim:
* to discuss the meaning of Christmas
* To learn the Bible verse John 3:16

7) Prayer

fourthManish Saluja