Aim to prepare for God’s Day to make an offering table

* to prepare for God’s Day
* to make an offering table

– Materials to make an offering table – white table cloth, picture of True Parents, cushions or chairs, holy candle, cake, flowers, dishes, fruit, nuts, candy, banner
– Pledge of the Blessed Children, by In Jin Moon (adapted)
– Picture to colour

Lesson Outline
1. Preparing for God’s Day
2. Make a New Year’s Resolution
3. Make an offering table
4. Colour a picture
5. Share food
6. Review the aims
7. Prayer

1) Preparing for God’s Day
Before God’s Day we should think about what the day is all about and how we can best prepare.
a) Holy days
In the Unification Church there are holy days for God, parents, children and the creation

1. True God’s Day
2. True Parents’ Day
3. True Children’s Day
4. Day of All True Things

Every holy day has the word true. True means good. God wants to see good parents, good children and all the good things in creation. Holy days are special days to celebrate together with God. 

b) God’s Day
God’s Day is always on January 1st. We begin the year to celebrate a day for God and with God. 
This is what Father has said about God’s Day
“What kind of day is God’s Day? For God, it is a joyful and good day. He wants to encounter
good people on this day. He wants to bless you and celebrate this day with you. All around the
world, people are celebrating this first day of the year, but only members of the Unification
Church celebrate it as God’s day. Therefore, God wants to be with you this day.”

c) What do we normally do on a God’s Day?
-We say family pledge at midnight. The pledge is a promise to God. We promise God to be good
and loving children in the new year
-We make a holy day donation.
-We have a celebration with food and entertainment

d) What should we do to prepare?
-Clean our home
-Buy food for an offering table
-Have a shower
-Prepare clean and smart clothes
-Find a time to be quiet and pray
-Make a new year’s resolution

2) Make a New Year’s Resolution
In Jin Nim, Father’s daughter, made a pledge for blessed children to read. Read parts of this together with the children. It is a good way to reflect about this year and prepare for God’s Day. 
They could choose one point from the list to make a new year’s resolution. A resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. Children take home a copy of the pledge to show to parents

Pledge of the Blessed Children
1. We will pray in the morning and at night. By doing that we make and keep our hearts pure, righteous and high-spirited.
2. We will obey and listen to our parents as the representatives of True Parents. We will love our parents and help them.
3. We will take care of ourselves. We will be cheerful in getting up in the mornings and while preparing ourselves and while going to school. We will keep things neat and tidy.
4. We will keep a righteous heart, keep the right attitude and do the right action to become like God, True Parents and True Children. We will never be influenced by evil
5. We will take care of our health, we will not be picky about our food and be grateful for any meal

3) Make an offering table
Ask the children what is needed to make an offering table. Get them to make one together using all the things listed below.
-white tablecloth
-True Parents photo
-cushions or chairs
-holy candle

4) Colour a picture
Colour the picture of the God’s day offering table. This could be used as a God’s Day competition, with prizes for the winners.

5) Share food
Share food from the offering table and the children can take some home in a plastic bag.

6) Review the lesson aims
* What should we do to prepare for God’s Day?
-Clean our home
-Buy food for an offering table
-Have a shower
-Prepare clean and smart clothes
-Find a time to be quiet and pray
-Make a new year’s resolution

* What things do we need for an offering table ?
white table cloth, picture of True Parents, cushions or chairs, holy candle, flowers, cake, dishes, cushions, fruit, nuts, candy, banner

7) End with a prayer

fourthManish Saluja