Day 1
As children learn about God creating the World out of love for His children and how everything goes through stages of growth-
kids receive a water bottle to remind them that God, our Heavenly Parent, is the water of life!
Water Bottle
God is the water of life!
Suggested Materials: “Explore His Creation” Waterbottles $13.98/8
PRINCIPLE CONCEPTS: Creation, Stages of Growth, God’s Love
“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” -Hebrews 3:4
“But those who drink of the water that I give will never be thirsty.” John 4:13b
“God's love is the only unchanging and unique love.” -Rev. Sun Myung Moon
“According to the Divine Principle, everything goes through three stages of growth-formation, growth, and completion... In nature, we see the mineral world, the plant world and the animal world. There are three parts to your fingers; and your arms also have three portions. The same is true of your body.” -Rev. Sun Myung Moon
“Water goes as high as it can, all the way up to the sky, but then it seeps down to the deepest core of the earth as well. It goes not only high and deep, but also wide. There is no space where living things do not owe their life to water. There is nowhere water does not occupy compared to the human conquering of the world. Wherever water goes all living things must follow. This is true. Which would be more precious, pure air or pure water? In this perspective the most necessary thing for human kind is water, number one.” -Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Sailing With Our Father
Children will learn by discovering at different stations!
@CAMP: Stations will be part of the daily learning! For larger groups, children will rotate in small groups between the different stations. For smaller groups, children can rotate together from one station to the next.
@HOME: Use everything in 1 fun family lesson! OR feel free to use the scriptures, learning video, music + sharing circle on Sunday and continue learning throughout the week using 1 learning station per day!
> Discover Science
Hands on Sensory fun!
> Art Creations
Themed Arts & Crafts!
> Snack (Bathroom break)
Themed Snack time!
Teddy grahams
Pretzels & grapes tree snack
Pretzel stick + marshmallow constellations
> Adventure Quest
Outdoor Movement Games & Activities!
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Parachute w/Globe beach ball
World Olympics- different stations inspired by different parts of the world.
> Sharing Circle
Small Group Interactive Discussion & Prayer on daily theme. *Idea: Sit in a circle on sitting spots & use a special “talking stick” to take turns sharing.
Discussion: choose 1 or more discussion questionS & activitIES:
What is your favorite thing God created?
*IDEA: POST ITs- Have each child draw their favorite animal or flower, stars etc on a post it and stick it on the wall to share with others.
How did God create the World in stages? (FORMATION: atmosphere, night, day, sky, land, water / GROWTH: trees, plants, animals / COMPLETION: humans!)
*IDEA: SORT- 1. Draw 3 circles and have children draw a picture of each Creation element within the right circle or sort pre-made post it note pictures! 2. Use 3 hula hoops and sort Creation toys and items into the correct circle together.
What else can you think of that goes through 3 Stages of Growth? (Ex: Caterpillar - Chrysalis - Butterfly / Baby - Child - Adult / Womb - Earth - Heaven)
Why did God create the World? (He wanted to share his love with us and bring joy to His children.)
*IDEA: DRAW- Ask children to “Draw God” with no further explanation. Children may draw a heart, nature or sun. Have each child share their picture with the group.
How is God the “water of life”? Why is water important? Did you know that 71% of the Earth is water and 60% of our body is made up of water? Why is God important to us like water?
*IDEA: SCIENCE- let children feel & taste water.)
EXPLORER TOOL: Have children cut out and glue on the tool they earned today for their Explorer page! *Water bottle!
PRAY: Together thanking God for all of our favorite parts of Creation and for being the water of life for us- that we will never thirst as long as we have God’s love in our hearts. And thank God for the process of growth- that we can always grow and learn new things!
Tool Earned: Children can receive “Explore His Creation” WaterbottleS!
> Coloring Pages & Play
Have children complete the daily interactive coloring page! Offer free play time for whoever finishes early.
DAY 1- CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE COLORING PAGE! God Made the World- Stages of Growth
BONUS: FUN READ ALOUD from “Look & Tell- Creation and Love”