Day 2
Children will learn that they are beautifully handcrafted in the image of God and about the natural dual characteristics of God our Heavenly Parent.
Boots resemble that we are God’s (hands &) feet!
Watch this video and continue diving into learning with all of the following activites & discussion questions below! :)
PRINCIPLE CONCEPTS: God Made Me, Dual Characteristics, Heavenly Parent
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." -Romans 1:20
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." -Genesis 1:27
“Every human being possesses a unique individual character. No matter how many billions of people are born on the earth, no two will ever have exactly the same personality.” - Rev. Sun Myung Moon
@CAMP: Stations will be part of the daily learning! For larger groups, children will rotate in small groups between the different stations. For smaller groups, children can rotate together from one station to the next.
@HOME: Use everything in 1 fun family lesson! OR feel free to use the scriptures, learning video, music + sharing circle on Sunday and continue learning throughout the week using 1 learning station per day!
> Discover Science
Hands on Sensory fun!
> Art Creations
Themed Arts & Crafts!
> Snack (Bathroom break)
Themed Snack time!
> Adventure Quest
Outdoor Movement Games & Activities!
Body Portrait with chalk
God’s Feet Games
three legged race
blindfolded race (God’s hands & feet)
> Sharing Circle
Small Group Interactive Discussion & Prayer on daily theme. *Idea: Sit in a circle on sitting spots & use a special “talking stick” to take turns sharing.
How is God our Heavenly Parent? What does God’s masculine heart (Heavenly Father) & God’s feminine heart (Heavenly Mother) look like to you? How are we made in God’s image?
*IDEA: Draw 2 hearts. In each heart stick pictures or words describing feminine traits such as: nurturing, grace, beauty and masculine traits such as: strength, courage, vision. Discuss how God is all of these as our parent- and while we are made in His image as male & female- we each posses traits of both.
Why do you think God made variety?
*IDEA: Have all children place the same exact stickers on a sheet of paper. Ask children how it looks. Then have children each pick their own (different) sticker and stick them on another sheet. Ask children to compare the sheet where the stickers are all the same with the sheet full of variety! Isn’t it so great that God made us each unique? This can also be done with same color and different color crayons etc.
What kinds of pairs did God create? Man & Woman (humans), Positive & Negative (magnets), Stamen & Pistil (flowers), Male & Female (Animals) Why do you think God made things in pairs?
*IDEA: Deconstruct a flower together and learn about its parts or play together with magnets.
What makes you unique? Each of you is a unique and beautiful reflection of God!
*IDEA: Have children draw themselves with images and words of things they love on a sheet of paper or all together on a white board. OR pre print each child’s name on a sheet of paper in bubble letters and have children decorate their names with glitter, paint etc. OR Have each child draw a partner while looking at them and discuss as buddies how God made the other person a unique reflection.
How can we be God’s Hands & Feet? We are an extension of God. God lives in us and we can do good things like helping others.
*IDEA: Helping Hands: When we let God live in our hearts, we can be an extension of God’s love. We can share God’s love by helping others. Discuss ways we can be a helping hand to someone.
EXPLORER TOOL: Have children cut out and glue on the tool they earned today for their Explorer page! *Boots!
PRAY: Together thanking God for making us! Thank God for creating us in Him image. Thank God for each child and their unique reflection of God.
> Coloring Pages & Play
Have children complete the daily interactive coloring page! Offer free play time for whoever finishes early.
DAY 2: CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE COLORING PAGE! Made in God’s Image- Dual Characteristics
Dive deeper & continue learning with these great resources!
“Son or Daughter of God” School of Love Lesson for ages 6-11
“God Designed Me” School of Love Lesson for ages 2-6
“I Am Special” National Children’s Ministry Sunday School lesson for ages 2-7