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God’s Explorers Camp!
Congrats on embarking on this unforgettable journey of discovery as children unravel God’s Purpose for Creation and gain tools for the journey of life! Read below for an overview of the first Unificationist Summer Day Camp Experience! (inspired by VBS)
Preschool-5th Grade
These materials can be used in two ways:
5 Days: Monday-Friday 9:00am-12:00pm at your local church as a Day Camp.
5 Weeks: Once a week as a Family Devotional or as Summer Sunday School lessons.
Each day children will receive a new tool!
Each child will receive an explorer coloring page and on each day they will get to add a new “tool” to their picture! Click buttons “Boy Explorer” and “Girl Explorer” below!
Water bottle
GOD MADE THE WORLD. As children learn about God creating the World and the 3 stages of growth- kids receive a water bottle to remind them that God, our Heavenly Parent, is the water of life!
MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE. Children will learn that they are beautifully handcrafted in the image of God and about the natural dual characteristics of God our Heavenly Parent. Boots resemble that we are God’s (hands &) feet!
GOD GAVE ME FAMILY. As children learn about their families and the beautiful 4 position foundation that God created, children will receive binoculars which help them to appreciate their roots, past and heritage, see the present and imagine their own future family that they will create one day.
GOD GAVE ME A COMPASS. Children will learn that God instilled a compass in each one of us! Our compass is our Spirit. Our internal Spirit can lead our physical body and our daily choices. Our compass gives us direction.
GOD GAVE US A MAP. On the final day children will learn about God’s purpose for our lives: the 3 Great Blessings. God handed us a road map to follow and asks us to develop a heart for God, heart for others & heart for creation.
> Surprise children with their very own tools each day. A suggested “materials” shopping list is included with each lesson. ;)
EXPLORER Coloring Pages:
PRINCIPLE CONCEPTS: Divine Principle concepts will be GUIDING each daily theme.
Each lesson includes Biblical Scriptures as well as True Parents’ words to guide the lesson. These can also be used as memory verses! Children can win prizes from a treasure chest when they memorize a verse.
PRAISE & DANCE SONGS: Each Lesson includes (clickable) online song videos! These are great to sing along to as a whole group at the start & end of each day! Many of the songs include fun movement.
Majority of learning will take place by children discovering at different centers! [For larger groups, children will rotate in small groups between the different stations (rooms). For smaller groups, children can rotate together from one station to the next.] These activities should be prepared and set up ahead of time by camp volunteers & are provided in each lesson.
> Discover Science
Hands on Sensory fun including STEM projects and experiments.
> Art Creations
Themed Arts & Crafts! Daily crafts will be created to go along with the theme.
> Snack (Bathroom break)
Themed Snack time! Time for physical nourishment! Don’t forget to use the restroom, wash hands and pray! Special meal prayers and songs can be practiced here as well as manners.
> Adventure Quest
Outdoor Movement Games & Activities! A time to run around, burn energy and have a fun time together through a variety of movement activities!
> Sharing Circle
A chance for small group Interactive Discussion & Prayer time on the daily theme. Outlines will be coming soon.
> Coloring Pages & Play
Daily Theme Interactive Coloring Pages will be provided for children to color. When they are finished- offer them free play until the closing ceremony.