Day 2- Water & Sky


“Day 2: Water & Sky”  Unit: God’s Masterpiece        

LESSON PURPOSE:  Learn why God created water and sky.

EDUCATIONAL FRAMEWORK:      Heart for Creation

MATERIALS: uninflated balloon, small spray bottle with water in it, carrot, Water and Air Sensory Bottle                                                                                                           


  • “He’s Got the Whole World”

  • “By the Spring of Life”

  • Creation Song by Saddleback Kids (emphasis on Day 2)                                                                                                     


  • “Ocean Meets Sky” by The Fan Brothers (video read aloud)

  • “What a Beautiful Sky” by Yanitzia Canetti (video read aloud)

  • “All the Water in the World” by George Ella Lyon and Katherine Tillotson                                                                                                                             


And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.” -Genesis 1:6-8

“The open spaces and a clear blue sky match the spirit of young people.” -Sun Myung Moon


  • Go Fishing Sensory Bin: You will need large bin, water, small toys, small net. Fill a large bin with water and throw in some small toys. Children can “fish” for the toys with a small net.

  • Paint Leaves on a Tree: You will need fall-colored paint and paintbrushes. Print out this tree trunk on paper. Leave out yellow, orange, red, and green paint. Children can paint the leaves on the tree.

  • Blowing Water Droplets (by- What Do We Do All Day) You will need wax paper, a cup of water, straws, and an eyedropper. On a flat surface, assist the children to place several drops of water on wax paper using the eyedropper. They can blow through the straw to move the droplets of water from one end to the other.

  • Clouds in the Sky: You will need cotton balls, blue construction paper, and glue. Show the children how to pull gently on the cotton balls to make them stretch out into different sizes. Glue them all over their sky/water paper!

INTRODUCE the Lesson (Engage)



Last week we learned that on the first day of Creation, God made night and day. What were some things you did at night last week? What were some things you did during the day?


Hold up an un-inflated balloon. Ask the children what they might do with this balloon. (Some may say blow air into it, and some may say fill it with water.) Wow, what great ideas!


Did you know there was a time when the world didn’t have water or air? We could never have lived like that on earth, could we? Remember, on Day 1 of Creation, God had only created night and day, darkness and light. There was nothing else on the earth. Well, on Day 2 of Creation, God created water and the sky.

ACTIVITY: choose 1 or more: 

TEACH the Lesson (Explain/Explore)



*To make this lesson a bit more enjoyable, here is a tip for the teachers: Fill a clean spray bottle with water. As you are teaching the lesson, whenever you say the word “water”, spritz the air with the water from the spray bottle.

Let’s play a quick game of True or False.

- 70% of the Earth’s surface is made of water - TRUE

- 60% of the human body is made of water - TRUE

- A person can survive 7 days in the desert without drinking water - FALSE (average is 3 days)

As you can see, water is one of the most important things God made in this world. When we look at a globe or a map, we can see that a lot of the earth is blue. The blue means water! We’re talking about oceans, rivers, and lakes. What lives in the water?

When God created human beings, he decided that our bodies will be made of water, too! Look at your hands. Do you see water? I don’t. Actually, water is inside our bodies. It’s in our blood, our lungs, our heart, and our bones. So although our skin isn’t blue and it isn’t always wet, God designed us so that water in our blood and organs keeps us alive. 

*For this next section, you will need a carrot.

So, I got curious and I looked up how much water is in a carrot. How much water do you think is in a carrot? (Take guesses.) Carrots are made up of 88% water. That is most of the carrot! (Bring out a fresh carrot and show what portion of the carrot is 88%. Cut it open.) But.. umm… (*act puzzled*) When I cut open the carrot, no water comes out. (Shake the carrot.) Why do you think this is? The water is inside the cells of the carrot, just like the water in our bodies is inside our blood and organs. If you stop watering your carrot, it will most likely stop growing and die. We need to water it every day so that it becomes big and delicious! We need to think of our bodies in the same way. We need to drink water every day and take care of the bodies God gave us.


  • What is something new you learned about water?

  • What are some things you do with water? (Wash, play, drink, etc.)

  • Why is water so important?



After God created water, He pushed it down down down to the ground. This created a lot of space above it, and God called it the sky. The sky is another important part of Creation because it contains the air we need to breathe to live. Before He created the sky, there was no air! It was like holding your breath forever!

*For this next section, you will need a Water and Air Sensory Bottle.

God knew that if He was going to create living things -- animals, plants, and humans -- He needed to separate water from air. (Bring out the Sensory Bottle.) This is what the world was like at the beginning. (Shake the bottle to mix oil and water.) Then God spoke and said, ‘Let there be a sky to divide the waters!’ And so, God put some fluffy, white clouds up top and He put the blue oceans down below. God called the space between the clouds and oceans, sky.”

God is so smart! He created water and sky at the same time, and here are some ways water and air work together to do amazing things: The cold air near the water and the warm air in the sky come together to form clouds. The wind blows on the water to make big waves. Raindrops fall out of the sky and back into the water on the ground.

God is truly amazing to think of all these things! Every time we breathe in air, let’s think about God and His awesome power! Did you know God is like the wind? We can’t always see it but we can feel it and know it’s there.


  • What are some things you see in the sky?

  • Why is the sky important?

  • Why did God make the sky?

  • Why are you grateful for air?

APPLY the Lesson Evaluate

GROUP ACTIVITIES: Choose 1 or 2:

  • Keep Paper Dry Underwater Experiment: (by: Math & Science) You will need large clear bin, glass cup, paper. This is a good visual to show how water and air can work together to do something cool. You can show the video or demonstrate it yourself in your classroom.

  • Yoga: Do some yoga and meditation together. Practice breathing in deeply and slowly, appreciating each breath. Imagine God’s love and creative energy flowing through your veins like water.



  • Blueberries and whipped cream

  • Blue Jello with Swedish fish

  • Blue Gatorade

CONCLUDE the Lesson 


On Day 2 of Creation, God created water and the sky. As we learned in our lesson today, both water and air are very important for living things to survive. God knew exactly what the world needed before creating His children on the earth.


Dear Heavenly Parent, every Sunday we are learning more and more about the amazing world You created. Today we learned about water and sky. This week, let us be grateful for the water we drink, bathe, and play in, and for the air we breathe in every second. Amen. Aju.         

Leena Vincenz-Gavin