8- Attitude of Gratitude

LESSON PURPOSE: Learn to have an attitude of gratitude.

**Note- As this unit was originally designed to teach in October + November, the lesson includes several Thanksgiving themed ideas. If it’s not Thanksgiving season at the moment you’re teaching- feel free to adjust activities. ;) 

EDUCATIONAL FRAMEWORK:      Heart for Creation                                                                                      


  • How Great Thou Art

  • Country Roads                                                                 


  • “My Gratitude Jar” by Kristin Wiens

  • “An Awesome Book of Thanks” by Dallas                                                                                                               


“Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.”  - 2 Chronicles 20:21

“When you wake up in the morning and see the sun shining, you must be confident that the sun shines for you and not only for someone else.” - Sun Myung Moon


INTRODUCE the Lesson (Engage)



Last week, we concluded our lessons about the 7 days of creation. Now that you know how much time and love God put into making this world, did you feel different about creation this week? How so? (Allow for responses.) We need to practice being more grateful to God!


*For this section, you will need: 10 sheets of cardstock and a marker. On each sheet of paper, write one letter of the word “GRATITUDE”. On the remaining sheet of paper, write “T”. Pick ten children to hold the letters to the word “Gratitude.”

Does anyone know what “gratitude” means? (Allow for responses.) When we have gratitude, that means we are thankful for something. We do not just expect that thing or take that thing for granted. Sometimes it is hard to have gratitude. Can you think of a time when it might be hard to be grateful? (Allow for responses.)

(Have the children holding the G and R sit down. Have someone stand between the A and T with another T.)

Now what word have we made? Attitude. Our attitude can either help us be thankful or keep us from being thankful. What kind of attitude keeps us from being thankful?

(Have everyone except the I and the U sit down.)

When all we think about is “I,” it keeps us from being thankful. However, when we have an attitude where we think of “U,” as in others and God, we will have the right attitude to be thankful.

INTRO: In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we will learn that it’s important to have an attitude of gratitude for all that God gives us.

ACTIVITY: choose 1 or more: 

TEACH the Lesson (Explain/Explore)

*TEACHING POINT 1: Saying “Thank you” with purpose

INTERACTIVE LESSON: Use this Powerpoint

When was the last time you said “God bless you” to someone who sneezed? (Allow for responses.) Now think about this… when was the last time you said “God bless you” to someone who sneezed and you meant it? (Let them think.)

We are taught to say the words “God bless you” when someone sneezes, but we aren’t necessarily taught why. It becomes something we just do without thinking twice about it. It becomes a habit, like tucking our nose in our elbows when we sneeze or putting on our seatbelts in the car.

Saying, "Thank you," is a very important habit, but if "Thank you" is just a habit, like saying, "God bless you," something is wrong. God wants us to be grateful every day for everything we have. He wants us to feel His love through creation and all that He has made for us.

Think of one person you are truly grateful for. (Pause to let children reflect.) Why are you grateful for this person? What does this person do for you? Where would you be without this person?

Now think of one thing in your life that you are truly grateful for. (Pause to let children reflect.) Why are you grateful for this item? Does it have a special meaning? What kind of memories are attached to this item?

God wants us to have an attitude of gratitude all the time, not just around Thanksgiving. We need to thank God for all the small and big things He has given us. When we say “Thank you” and mean it, we remind ourselves how blessed we are!


  • What else can you be thankful for?

  • Why is it important to have an attitude of gratitude?

*TEACHING POINT 2:  Gratitude for God’s Creation


Did you enjoy learning about how God created the world in Sunday School these last few weeks? Let’s review some of our favorite parts!

Close your eyes and imagine quietly- what was a fun fact you learned? What is something you didn’t know about God’s amazing Creation that you know now? What is your favorite day of Creation? Why is God our “Heavenly Parent”? Why are you grateful to God for creating you?

Have each child draw or write their favorite memory of learning about God’s Creation on a post it note. Have each child share about it with the class and stick it on the wall when complete- if possible stick the post it notes into a circle like the earth or a heart shape.


  • What part of God’s Creation are you most grateful for? 

  • How can we show God we’re grateful for this beautiful world?

APPLY the Lesson Evaluate


  • Thanksgiving Bingo: You will need 3x3 bingo cards, 9 calling cards, and pebbles (or something small to mark each box). Give each child a bingo card. Shuffle the calling cards and draw one, read it aloud, and show the children the card. Each player with a square that matches the calling card can put a pebble or marker on it. The player to get 3 pebbles in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) wins!

  • Draw a Cartoon Turkey: You will need paper, markers, and crayons. Follow the instructions in the video.


  • Thankful Pumpkin: You will need orange and green construction paper, scissors, a stapler and markers. Cut the orange construction paper into strips that are 1 1/2” wide. Give each child 6 strips of paper and have them write something they are thankful for on each one. Arrange the strips to form a sphere shape and staple where the strips come together at the top and bottom. Attach a green paper “leaf” to decorate.

  • Thankful Pie: You will need paper plates, pencils, scissors, crayons, and brass fasteners. Give each child one paper plate and instruct them to cut off the edge, so they are left with only the smooth middle part of the plate. Then, find the center of the plate, outline a “slice” with a pencil, and cut it out. Assist them to write “(Name) Is Thankful For….” on it. Give each child a second paper plate. Place the small paper plate on top and trace around it to make a circle. Then trace slices onto the bigger plate. Have children write or draw something they are thankful for in each slice. They can color both plates. To complete, place the small plate on top of the big plate and insert a brass fastener in the center.


CONCLUDE the Lesson 


God made this beautiful world for us to enjoy! He put so much thought and love into every tiny detail. God wants us to be grateful for all that we have. Let us practice being grateful for all the small and big things in our lives. 


Dear Heavenly Parent, thank you for all the good and amazing gifts You have given to us. Your Creation is so majestic! Please help us to practice an attitude of gratitude so we may always be reminded of Your presence and love. Amen. Aju.       

Leena Vincenz-Gavin