Reach for the Stars
A lesson encouraging children to “Reach for the Stars” in the New Year! Let’s be a “Can Do Kid by setting goals of the heart! Children will share about their Stars (accomplishments) and Wishes (goals). Did you know there are 2 types of goals? Goals that help your body learn and grow- external and goals of the heart that help your spirit grow- internal!?
“Reach for the Stars- Goals of the Heart!” Unit: Child of God
LESSON PURPOSE: Kicking off the year by BElieving in Ourselves & setting goals! (Internal & External)
MATERIALS: stars, streamers, stick, tape, white board or large paper
BOOKS: I’m a Can Do Kid / Chester the Brave / The Little Engine That Could Or a story about reaching for the stars, accomplishing a goal or New Years!
SONG IDEAS: This Little Light of Mine / Twinkle Twinkle / I’m a Can Do Kid
AS CHILDREN ARRIVE: Choose 1 Sensory Activity:
2019: Have a large “2019” out for children to color & decorate together.
Trace Children’s Hands: Have them color them in to add to a “Reach for the Stars” bulletin board. Stars can also be painted with watercolors.
New Years Sensory bin: Children play with streamers, balloons, numbers, ribbons, bows
SCRIPTURE: Display the weekly scripture reading, have an older child read it or use it in the lesson as you like.
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” - 1 Chronicles 15:7
“Our ultimate goal is to be linked with God's lineage and become His true children.” - SMM
INTRODUCE the Lesson:
SONG IDEAS: This Little Light of Mine / Twinkle Twinkle / I’m a Can Do Kid
Happy New Year! Last time we had Sunday School was last year! We learned all about “Being a Light for the world to see!” Now it is the New Year of ____! (Show a large “2019”!) Today we will learn about “goals” that can help us make our light shine bright!
Let’s Sing: Tune of “Happy Birthday to You” Happy New Year to you! Happy New Year to you! Happy New Year dear friends! Happy New Year to you! Optional: You wear a hat & pop a confetti popper!
Jump for the Stars: Hang stars, loosely tied with streamers from the ceiling or from a long stick. One at a time let children jump & “Reach for the Star!” Each child will get to grab one. Optional: Let children hold them in their laps quietly during the lesson.
Who knows what kinds of lights there are in the sky? That’s right, stars! (Optional: Sing Twinkle Twinkle) Did you know that in our life, we want to reach high? We want to reach to the stars! That means we want to be the best we can be, being a “CAN DO Kid!”
VIDEOS: click on the link for educational, sing along or dance videos
Can Do Kid Dance Motion Song!
This Little Light- Dance Worship Song!
Can Do Kid- Read Aloud Picture Book Video
Chester the Brave- Picture Book on Chester overcoming his fears by being brave through “Think, Tell, Do!”
I Can. I Can. I Can. I Can. I Can. I’m a Can Do Kid. Yes I Am! I Can. I Can. I Can. I Can. I Can. I’m a Can Do Kid. Yes I Am!
*TEACH the Lesson:
TEACHING POINT 1: Reach for the Stars!
To help us “Reach for the Stars” & be our best let’s set some goals! Have you ever heard of a “New Year’s Resolution?” Many people all over the world set goals- things they want to accomplish in the New Year! For example, when you were a baby you had a goal to learn to walk or maybe as a toddler you had a goal to go down the slide all by yourself at the playground or you have a goal to learn to ride your bike without training wheels. To achieve this goal- you had to practice a lot and try and try again! When you fell, you got back up! You never gave up and others cheered you on. Wasn’t that a great feeling- accomplishing a goal? Let’s look at some “Stars” and “Wishes” together…
STARS: Let’s reflect together about your “stars”- write down different things that the children are great at next to stars, accomplishments! (ex. I can brush my teeth! I can say “Thank You”!) Clap & cheer each other on for all the amazing things you can already do!
WISHES: Let’s make “wishes”- write down things that children want to learn to be good at, their goals, wishes for the New Year.
TEACHING POINT 2: Goals of the Heart!
You made some really great Wishes (goals)! Let’s look at them and see what kind of goals we made. We can make “external” goals like “I wish to learn to tie my shoe!” They are very important and help our body grow. And we cam make goals of the heart “internal goals” like “I wish to share better with my brother!” that help our spirits grow!
DISCUSSION: Can sort the “Wishes” from above into “internal & external” or discuss.
What is an internal goal of the heart you have to help your spirit grow?
What is an external goal you have to help your body learn and grow?
You’re all great at so many things already, your “Stars”! And I can’t wait to watch you learn and grow in this new year. All of the wishes we made- are GOALS! In 1 Chronicles 15:7 it says: “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” God, our Heavenly Parent, and True Parents believe in you- they want you to do great things! Your parents, teachers and friends are all here to cheer you on and help you reach your goals! You can do it. Let’s be a Can Do Kid this Year!
Dear Heavenly Parent, thank you for all of our Stars- we can do so many amazing things! We pray for our Wishes & goals for the New Year. Please help us to reach to the stars, do our best & never give up! We pray for our bodies and hearts to grow in this next year. As True Father said: “Our ultimate goal is to be linked with God's lineage and become His true children.” Amen. Aju!
APPLY the Lesson:
Mini New Years Eve party! Streamers, balloons, noise makers, party hats, balloon drop, confetti poppers, sparklers, glows in the dark sticks, games, photo booth & “countdown to 12 noon!”
Kid safe Sparklers- Go outside and light sparklers together! Place sparklers through a hole in a cup to shield the sparks.
CRAFTS: choose 1
Star Stamping- Dip star cookie cutters in yellow paint to print stars onto blue construction paper!
Constellation Sensory Bag- Fill sandwich bags with hair gel, stars and glitter! Shut with tape and let children squeeze and play.
Star Wand- Create star wands! Using sticks, stars, ribbon, sequins, stickers etc. Teacher can write child’s goal on the star.
Happy Face Goals- paper circle face, eyes, smile, party hat (can use dot markers or stickers to decorate the hat) & rectangle paper to write on the goal.
Printable Stars & Wish Worksheet- Stars & Wishes or Goals wks. Children can draw pictures or sound out words. Teachers can help write down the young child’s answers.
Star shaped cookies or star fruit! Happy New Year treats! ;)
Enjoy the lesson! Feel free to submit photos to Love seeing lessons come to life and each community
Stars & Wishes
Anchor Chart!