Day 5
On the final day children will learn about God’s purpose for our lives: the 3 Great Blessings.
God handed us a road map to follow and asks us to develop a heart for God, heart for others & heart for creation.
Watch this video and continue diving into learning with all of the following activites & discussion questions below! :)
A guide to life
Suggested Materials: choose 1:
Giant Treasure Map Sticker Scene $9.99/12
Pirate Treasure Maps $5.19/24
PRINCIPLE CONCEPTS: 3 blessings: Heart for God, others & the World.
“God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” -Mark 12:30-31
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”-John 13:34
“True Love begins from the deepest, deepest place. What is the origin of True Love? God...Ideal love means we live for the sake of others. When you give yourself totally for another, for your family, tribe, society, nation, world and ultimately the cosmos, then you will know the True Love of God.” -Rev. Sun Myung Moon
“To care for and love the environment is to love God. With our spiritual eyes opened, we can see that a single dandelion is more valuable than the gold crowns of kings” - Rev. Sun Myung Moon
@CAMP: Stations will be part of the daily learning! For larger groups, children will rotate in small groups between the different stations. For smaller groups, children can rotate together from one station to the next.
@HOME: Use everything in 1 fun family lesson! OR feel free to use the scriptures, learning video, music + sharing circle on Sunday and continue learning throughout the week using 1 learning station per day!
> Discover Science
Hands on Sensory fun!
> Art Creations
Themed Arts & Crafts!
Pasta World Map
Secret Message Watercolor Painting (<3 God, <3 Others, <3 Creation)
> Snack (Bathroom break)
Themed Snack time!
> Adventure Quest
Outdoor Movement Games & Activities!
> Sharing Circle
Small Group Interactive Discussion & Prayer on daily theme. *Idea: Sit in a circle on sitting spots & use a special “talking stick” to take turns sharing.
What is a Map? What does it do? A map gives us a layout of the land. It shows us where everything is and how to get to our destination.
*IDEA: Look at an old fashioned paper map together! Point out the compass rose, compass and different landmarks like rivers. Use the map to go on a treasure hunt together!
Did you know God gave us a Map for life? What does that mean to you? Why would God give us a map to guide us?
Three Great Blessings- After making Adam & Eve he told us in Genesis 1:28 about the 3 Great Blessings: to love God, love others & love Creation. What do you think about that?
*IDEA: Draw 3 big hearts. Discuss and write notes in how we can love God, how we can love others and how we can love Creation.
God our Heavenly Parent made us Co-Creators! What does that mean? What kind of “creating” do you enjoy? For example: painting, dancing, martial arts.
*IDEA: Create a collage of all the talents, hobbies, passions each of your family members have and would like to develop more!
EXPLORER TOOL: Have children cut out and glue on the tool they earned today for their Explorer page! *Map!
PRAY: Together thanking God for giving us a map! Ask God to help us grow our heart for God, for others and the World!
TOOL EARNED: CHILDREN CAN RECEIVE> Giant Treasure Map Sticker ScenE! OR Pirate Treasure MapS!
> Coloring Pages & Play
Have children complete the daily interactive coloring page! Offer free play time for whoever finishes early.
DAY 5: CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE COLORING PAGE! God Gave me a map- 3 great blessings
Dive deeper & continue learning with these great resources!
“God In My Heart” National Children’s Ministry Lesson
“God Made People” National Children’s Ministry Lesson
“Giving & Receiving” National Children’s Ministry Lesson
“Caring for Creation” National Children’s Ministry Lesson