True Day of ALL THINGS
Celebration Date: Sunday, June 21, 2020
“Day of All True Things” was founded on May 1, 1963 (according to the lunar calendar) as one of the major Unificationist Holy Days.
Becoming the true owners of creation!
Here you will find several resources you can use in your local Church, Sunday School or Home celebration:
What is “Day of All True Things”?
A celebration that we as God’s sons and daughters are inheriting the authority to be true caretakers of creation.
Celebrated ON 1st day of the 5th month in the lunar calendar.
“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”
-Romans 8:19
“We have welcomed Parents’ Day and then Children’s Day. However, we cannot achieve complete restoration with only parents and children. When God blessed the first human beings, he told them to be fruitful, multiply, and subdue all created things. Thus, as there are parents and children, there must also be all things of creation that can come under their dominion. Therefore, as we celebrate this Day of All Things, let us first resolve to connect all things to Heaven centering on the Unification family. Then, after realizing our own true family, we can bring all things into total unity. This is how we can connect
ourselves with Heaven.”
”The Day of All Things is the day that dissolves the bitter sorrow of all things of creation. However, human beings are qualified to dissolve the bitter sorrow of all things only if they stand in the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall. From the beginning, dominion over all things of creation should have had True Parents’ love at the center. This is a principle of heavenly law.”
God created this whole world in preparation for his children. God, our heavenly parent, imagined that we would grow through his love and learn to care for the creation with a parental heart. Day of all true things celebrates the re-emergence of god’s true sons and daughters who can cultivate the creation and bring out it’s true beauty.
“God blessed Adam and Eve and hoped that they would complete the Three Great blessings (1: to reach individual perfection, 2: to marry, become husband and wife and then build a family by conceiving children, 3: to be the owners of creation and to govern it with love.)
“As children were supposed to be born only through the love of True Parents, the Day of All Things could emerge only from the love of True Parents. What qualifications must we have in order to welcome the Day of All Things? We must stand in a position higher than Adam and Eve were before they fell. That position can be created only through the love of the True Parents.”
“What had to be done to establish the Day of All Things? Because it was the Fall of the human ancestors that caused all things to fall into Satan's realm, the True Ancestors of humankind would have to emerge in order to restore them. Then, based on restoring God's relationship with His children that He had originally given to Adam as a blessing, all things could be restored to the realm of the dominion of God's children.”
- Cheon Seong Gyung
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. ” -Genesis 2:15
“For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him.” -Colossians 1:16
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” -Genesis 1:1
“Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.” -Genesis 2:19
“Internal dominion denotes dominion of the heart. A person who reaches perfection and comes fully to resonate with God in heart will experience God’s Heart as his own reality. Hence, he will be able to love the creation with the same love as that which emanates from God’s Heart and appreciate its beauty with the same delight as God.”- Divine Principle
“Just as a work of art displays the invisible nature of its maker in a concrete form, everything in the created universe is a substantial manifestation of some quality of the Creator’s invisible, divine nature. As such, each stands in a relationship to God. Just as we can come to know the character of an artist through his works, so we can understand the nature of God by observing the diverse things of creation.” -Divine Principle
“Oh Father of creation! Your beauty has been revealed in all of creation, and all of the external forms which You have touched are overflowing with the beauty of your profundity and manifestation..” -Prayer
What spoke to you in our reading today?
How can you feel God’s love through creation?
What do you think God thought about as He creating the world?
How can you be a better caretaker of the creation?
What do you appreciate about created things?
How do you see God in nature?
What do you love about this world?
Why is Day of All True Things a special day?
Share about the first Day of All True Things celebration you attended! Or favorite memories from past celebrations.
What is special to you about Day of All True Things?
What does the family pledge mean to you?
What is the significance of the fruits and beautiful food on the offering table?
Reflect on the traditions you want to create in your own family. How can you celebrate this holy day in your home, church, community?
Offering Table: Create a offering table together and hold a simple Family Pledge Service in your home.
Cake: Share a cake or favorite treat together as a family. Sing “Happy Day of All Things to you!”
Banner: Create a banner together as a family saying “Happy Day of All True Things!”
Gift: To celebrate: Give your children a special gift.
Draw a picture or write a poem of what Creation means to you.
Children: make a “thank you” card, draw a picture or write a letter to God appreciating the gift of the world we live in.
Parents: write a letter about what you appreciate and have learned through becoming a parent.
Take a walk admiring nature.
Plant some seeds, water them and watch them grow!
Pick weeds and think about being a gardener for God!
Visit a pet store, zoo or farm and observe God’s animals!
Kids’ Lessons:
Activities, crafts, games, songs and more!
Brought to you by Family Federation National Children’s Ministry