Celebration Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2020
“Parent’s Day” was founded on March 1, 1960 as one of the major Unificationist Holy Days.
On the 35th Parents’ Day in 1994, it was renamed as “True Parents’ Day”
Here you will find several resources you can use in your local Church, Sunday School or Home celebration:
What is “True Parent’s Day”?
A celebration of a true husband and a true wife coming together in blessed marriage. creating a family centered on god and becoming true parents.
Celebrated ON 1st day of the 3rd month in the lunar calendar.
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” -1 John 3:1
“Grandparents handed down love to parents, the parents handed down love to a husband and a wife, and the couple handed down love to children… You were born of your parents, so your parents were the first ones to whom you could speak. Your first sound was “daddy and mommy.” What are parents born for? They are born for their children!”
” This day was established to celebrate the day on which a man and woman became husband and wife based on the original love of God. It celebrates the beginning of the ideal realm of human completion that God has long desired. It celebrates the complete unity of the mind and body of a man and the mind and body of a woman, achieved horizontally with God as the center.”
”Children must grow up looking at their parents as their models, thinking, ‘I will be like my father. I will be like my mother.’ That is the best tradition.”
God gave Adam & Eve the “Three Great Blessings” at the time of Creation. However, they fell away from God and were not able to fulfill them. Through the Foundation of Jesus and the marriage blessing of the lamb of True Parents, true parenthood has been restored and brought us back into a true parent and child relationship with our god. We are no longer adopted sons and daughters of god- but his direct lineage and children.
“God blessed Adam and Eve and hoped that they would complete the Three Great blessings (1: to reach individual perfection, 2: to marry, become husband and wife and then build a family by conceiving children, 3: to be the owners of creation and to govern it with love.)
On the day that Adam and Eve got married, it would have been a day of joy not only for the perfection of two children of God, but also for Adam and Eve to stand as a husband and a wife to each other, and for all creation to welcome their owner of true love. In other words, ‘Parents’ Day’, ‘Children’s Day’, ‘Day of All Things’, and ‘God’s Day’ were supposed to be on the same day. However, when Adam and Eve fell, all of God’s ideal of Creation was lost.
On this day Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon declared that they became the True Parents of humankind… As such, the engagement ceremony with Hak Ja Han was held at the headquarters church of Seoul on March 1st, 1960 Heavenly Calendar, on the victorious foundation on which he had indemnified and restored human history. True Father, Rev. Moon, came as the third Adam, restored the foundation for the ‘True Parents’ of humankind and could welcome True Mother, Hak Ja Han, as his bride. ‘The marriage of the Lamb’, as prophesied in the Bible, (Revelation 19:7) was fulfilled. Beginning the following year, 1961, this day was decided to be Parents’ Day. In 1994, it was renamed as True Parents’ Day, and other days, such as ‘God’s Day’, ‘Day of All Things’, ‘Children’s Day’ were also renamed to have ‘True’ at the beginning of the title.”
- The Traditions of a Blessed Life
“I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters," declares the Lord Almighty.” -2 Corinthians 6:18
“Train up a child in the way they should go, and they will not turn from it.” -Proverbs 22:6
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” -Proverbs 31:28
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise).” -Ephesians 6:1-2
“Who is the big Dad? God! He is the vertical, most giant Dad.”
“God's love is the only unchanging and unique love.”
“Beyond the natural love of children for their parents, every child should be taught filial piety and reverence for each of his or her parents and God, the source of all true love...The goal and purpose of children's realm of heart is to learn the way of true love, through practicing filial piety.”
“When a mother gives such loving care to her children there is no beginning and no end in terms of value. It keeps going on and on. The reason we live for the sake of others is because it is the way of True Love.”
How is God our Heavenly Parent? How do you feel God’s love?
Who are True Parents to you?
What do you love and appreciate about your own parents?
How do you feel love from mom and dad? (Five Love Languages)
What kind of a parent do you want to be one day when you grow up?
What does it mean to become a “True” Parent to you?
Take the quiz & discuss how you give and receive love in the family: Five Love Languages- For Children
Share about the first True Parent’s Day celebration you attended! Or favorite memories from past celebrations.
What is special to you about True Parent’s Day?
What was it like becoming a parent? What was I like as a baby?
What do you love most about being a parent? How have you grown as a parent? What have you learned?
What does the family pledge mean to you?
What is the significance of the fruits and beautiful food on the offering table?
Reflect on the traditions you want to create in your own family. How can you celebrate this holy day in your home, church, community?
Offering Table: Create a offering table together and hold a simple Family Pledge Service in your home.
Cake: Share a cake or favorite treat together as a family. Sing “Happy True Parent’s Day to you!”
Banner: Create a banner together as a family saying “Happy True Parent’s Day!”
Gift: To celebrate: Give your children a special gift.
Click on the links for samples!
Draw a picture or write a poem of what “True” Parents means to you?
Children: make a “thank you” card, draw a picture or write a letter to your own parents; what do you love and appreciate about them?
Parents: write a letter about what you appreciate and have learnt through becoming a parent.
Look over family videos or photo albums together.
Take a family selfie!
Play your favorite board game all together!
Play a game of pictionary or charades
Sunday School Lessons:
School of Love Lesson: (Various Lessons for ages 2-18)
Activities, Crafts, Games, Videos, Songs:
Brought to you by Family Federation National Children’s Ministry