TRUE PARENT's Birthday

Celebration Date: Saturday January 30, 2020

True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon, celebrate their mutual birthday, January 6, according to the lunar calendar. It is considered one of the five major Holy Days celebrated worldwide.

Here you will find several resources you can use in your local Church, Sunday School or Home celebration:

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What is “True Parent’s Birthday”

True Parents are the parents whose lineage is woven together with God’s love and life… The True Parents are the pioneers who can perfect God’s love and make God into the Lord of love. Without the True Parents, God’s plan to perfect love can never be fulfilled.”

”True Parents, is this greater than the love between such lovers, or is it weaker than the love between such lovers? [Stronger!] Why? Because parents’ love is the root love. Because the religion based on the love of True Parents is the home, the root of True Love. When you come here to the place of the True Parents you can reach down and connect with this root. Once you occupy the root, you are connected to the trunk and branches and leaves and you can be connected with all kinds of prosperity.
— Rev. Sun Myung Moon


We celebrate the birth of our founders, who through unity with God and their accomplishments, could establish God’s love, life and lineage here on earth.

“This is a day to celebrate the Holy Birth of The True Parents, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon who have paved the way to transform humankind from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage. 

If the ancestors of mankind, Adam and Eve, both reached individual perfection, became a couple, and became parents, humankind, their descendants, would have been children of God with God’s love, life and lineage. However, Adam and Eve became false parents as result of the fall and humankind inherited Satan’s love, life and lineage. 

In order to regain what was lost by Adam and Eve, God had to lead the dispensation to where a sinless Adam was sent to the earth. That was Jesus 2000 years ago. But Jesus was crucified, and unable to realize God’s ideal of creation on Earth. He promised a Second Coming and passed away. 

True Father received a special revelation from God at the age of sixteen, when he was entrusted with the mission of saving humankind. As True Father and True Mother stood in the position of the True Parents of humankind, that Adam and Eve could not stand, they opened a way to convert humanity from Satan’s lineage to God’s lineage through the Marriage Blessing. The Holy Day of the birth of True Parents should be appreciated and celebrated by all humankind sincerely from their hearts.”


  • Who are True Parents to you?

  • How do True Parents connect you to God?

  • What does it mean to be a part of God’s lineage?

  • How can we celebrate True Parent’s Birthday? We celebrate Jesus’ Birthday with a Christmas Tree and gifts. What kinds of traditions would you like to make to celebrate the birth of True Parents?


  • Share about a special memory with True Parents.

  • What did it mean to you to receive the marriage blessing?

  • What was it like becoming a parent for the first time?

  • Who are True Parents to you? Why do you celebrate their birthday?


Sunday School Lessons:


Activities, Crafts, Games, Videos, Songs:



Brought to you by Family Federation National Children’s Ministry

Leena Vincenz-Gavin