God Made Summer

SEE LESSON Plan below. Designed for children ages 3-5. Can be adjusted to use with children both younger and older. Enjoy making the lesson your own! And make sure to check out the Pinterest Board specifically designed for this lesson.

“God Made Summer”  Unit: Splash Into Summer

LESSON PURPOSE: God Made Summer! Summer is a time to rest, enjoy the outdoors and time with our family, friends and God.

  • MATERIALS: Summer items: flower lay, beach ball, sunglasses, sunscreen, swimsuit, goggles, floaties, sand bucket, water toys, beach towel, watermelon, lemonade, picnic blanket, flashlight
  • SONG IDEAS: You Are My Sunshine, Down By the Bay, Michael Row Your Boat Ashore
  • Books:  God made it for me - Seasons- Summer  or other Books about Summer

AS CHILDREN ARRIVE: (Choose 1 or 2)

  • Summer Sensory Bin: summer items such as flower lays, seashells, sunglasses.

  • Water Bin: water play with seashells, rubber duckies or summer pool toys.

  • Ice Cream Play dough: set up a ice cream station using play dough and sprinkles!

  • Pool Noodle Bin: filled with colorful cut up pool noodle pieces for stacking.


"Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:3
“Can you insist on wearing winter clothes when summer comes? No, you need to change your clothes to suit the season. This is exactly how it happens in our lives. Those who belong to the summer of life - which is the prime of youth - want to have eternal youth.” -Rev. Moon



Last month we learned all about a Father’s Heart and being super, strong, courageous and brave sons and daughters of God! During the month of July & August we will be going together on a new Summer adventure!


  • Summer Suitcase: Tell children “Today I brought along Summer!” Open your suitcase or beach bag and have children name each item in your suitcase one at a time. For example: sunglasses, flower lay, swimsuit, goggles, beach towel, seashell, sunscreen, bug spray, flashlight, hat, chalk, water bottle, lemon, picnic blanket etc.

  • Summer Dress up: Teacher will dress up! For example: summer hat, hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, sunscreen, grass skirt, flip flops, pool floaties. As you get dressed sing “Happy Summer to you, Happy Summer to you, Happy Summer Dear Friends, Happy Summer to you!”


(Optional: put a flower lay necklace around each child.) Welcome to Summer boys and girls! Did you know that there are 4 Seasons in a Year and now it is Summer? Today we are going to learn all about Summer! All of our favorite things to do in summer and why God gave us Summer time. We will be going on all kinds of adventures in July & August Summer Sunday School- like going to the beach, sailing in the ocean, fishing & more!

READ ALOUD: God made it for me - Seasons- Summer or other Summer Books


  • "Hot Summer"  (Farmer In the Dell) In the summer it is hot. In the summer it is hot Oh, when it’s hot, I __________ a lot. In the summer when it’s hot. (Children take turns filling in the blank with their favorite summer activity: swim, play, climb, hike)
  • "If You’re Happy Summer’s Coming" If You’re Happy Summer’s Coming Clap Your Hands! If You’re Happy Summer’s Coming Clap Your Hands! If You’re Happy Summer’s Coming And this tune will keep you humming! If You’re Happy Summer’s Coming Clap Your Hands! VIDEO HERE

SONG VIDEOS: click on the link:

*TEACHING POINT 1: Summer is...

DISCUSS with children:

  • “What is your favorite Summer Activity?” Swimming, riding my bike, playing outside, going to the beach, going camping, vacation, chalk, splash pad, sand play, fireworks, picnics, smores, BBQs, fishing, boating, hiking, climbing trees, catching fireflies, eating watermelon, ice cream, drinking lemonade, family time.

  • “What’s the weather like?” Hot! Sunny. (Discuss depending on your local weather)

  • “What are the trees like?” They are full of green leaves! Grass is green.

  • “What do we wear in Summer?” Shorts, t-shirts, dresses, swimsuits, sandals.

  • “How can we protect ourselves in the Summer?” Sunscreen, bug spray, hat, flashlight.

GROUP ACTIVITIES: (choose 1 or 2)

  • Outdoor Games: Celebrate Summer with a variety of outdoor games like pool noodle limbo, beach towel & beach ball parachute game, jump ropes, chalk tic tac toe, kick the can, ring toss, bozo buckets, water balloons, apple bobbing etc.

  • Summer Play: Have children dress up and play “summer”. Sit on beach towels and share popsicles. Wear sunglasses, flower lays, swimsuits. Pretend they are at the beach.

  • Lemonade Stand: Have children make lemonade and set up a lemonade stand.


Why Did God Give Us Summer?

  • God Gave us Summer as a time to rest. During the school year- we work hard learning. Parents word hard at their job. In Summer- people take time off. Sometimes people relax at home. Other times people travel. Summer is a time for relaxing, rejuvenating and spending time with our family and friends, maybe going on a vacation.

  • Summer is a time for enjoying God’s creation- playing outside, laying on the grass, climbing trees, going to the beach or lake, fishing, catching fireflies.  Summer is great for learning new things such as riding a bike or swimming.

  • Summer is a time to grow closer to God our Heavenly Parent. God wants us to take a pause from our busy day and to enjoy the moment. It is a good time for prayer, reflection and rejuvenating our spirit through learning about God at Summer Camps, Sunday School, spending time in nature and with our family and friends.

GROUP ACTIVITY: (choose 1)

  • Relaxation: School is out. Let’s relax and be lazy together for a moment! Lay down together on the floor as you tell the story of God making the world and resting on the 7th day. Practice closing eyes, taking deep breaths and listening quietly.

  • Visualization: Walk children through a relaxing nature scene such as a river, ocean or lake. Ask children what they see, smell, hear, touch.


I’m so happy it’s Summer! It’s such a joy to be outside playing in God’s Creation. We are so busy all the time- let’s make sure to take some time to relax and be grateful, to stop and smell the roses.


Dear Heavenly Parent, thank you for Summer! Thank you for your sunshine and beautiful nature. Thank you for the extra time to play outside and spend time with our family and friends. Help us to appreciate and enjoy each day. Amen. Aju!

CRAFTS: (choose 1)

  • Sun: Paint paper plates yellow and add sun rays with construction paper.

  • Popsicle: Precut different color shaped popsicle shapes out of paper, felt or foam. Have children decorate with glitter, stickers, pom poms or sprinkles. Tape on a popsicle stick.

  • Watermelon: Cut a paper plate in half. Paint it pink with a green outline. Glue on seeds.

  • Fireworks: Make little cuts in to a toilet paper rolls and fold out the strips. Dip in to different colors of paint. Let children stamp fireworks!

  • Squirt Gun Painting: Fill water guns or water spray cans with (washable) coloring dye and water. Have children spray canvases or 1 large sheet to create summer art.

  • Summer Bucket List: Help children write down things they want to do this Summer!


  • Watermelon, frozen popsicles, lemonade

Enjoy the lesson! Feel free to send me your photos at lgavin@unification.org :) Love seeing lessons come to life and each community making it their own! Sincerely, Leena

Leena Vincenz-Gavin