CElebration Date: Monday, October 28, 2019
“True Children’s Day” was founded on November 19, 1960 as one of the major Unificationist Holy Days. It is a day to celebrate that we are children of God our Heavenly Parent! Celebrating not only our own children but also our personal relationship with God as our parent.
Here you will find several resources you can use in your local Church, Sunday School or Home celebration:
What is “True Children’s Day”
““What is Children’s Day all about? It is the day when we can be victorious as children and reach the position of universal glory.”
“Children’s Day is when we children celebrate that we, who due to the Fall could not enter the state where we could partake in God’s glory, can finally for the first time in history abide in the state where we can participate in His glory.”
“Children’s Day is the greatest among the holy days. It is greater than Parents’ Day because it is the day for Parents to recover their authority.””
Through Jesus Christ, we have received spiritual salvation and bear the spiritual lineage of God as adopted sons and daughters, personal salvation.
Through the Marriage Blessing given by True Parents, we are engrafted in to the physical lineage of God as his own sons and daughters, family salvation.
This is what we are celebrating on True Children’s Day.
Parent Article:
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” -1 John 3:1
“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” -Psalm 127:3
“I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters," declares the Lord Almighty.” -2 Corinthians 6:18
“God's love is the only unchanging and unique love.”
“Grandparents handed down love to parents, the parents handed down love to a husband and a wife, and the couple handed down love to children… You were born of your parents, so your parents were the first ones to whom you could speak. Your first sound was "daddy and mommy." What are parents born for? They are born for their children!”
“Children experience and learn the heart of true love as they attend their parents in daily life…”
“Who is the big Dad? God! He is the vertical, most giant Dad.”
“When a mother gives such loving care to her children there is no beginning and no end in terms of value. It keeps going on and on. The reason we live for the sake of others is because it is the way of True Love.”
“Children must grow up looking at their parents as their models, thinking, ‘I will be like my father. I will be like my mother.’ That is the best tradition.”
“Every human being possesses a unique individual character. No matter how many billions of people are born on the earth, no two will ever have exactly the same personality.”
How is God our Heavenly Parent? How do you feel God’s love?
What does it mean to be a “Child of God”? How can we be a true child?
Why do you think Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
What did you like about being a child? What are some of your favorite childhood memories? Share photos from your childhood!
Share about your marriage Blessing experience. What was it like to you to be grafted onto the lineage of God and become a true child of God?
What does it mean to you to have a blessed child? Or to see your child get blessed one day?
What did you enjoy about becoming a parent? What do you love about being a parent to your child? How does it help you understand God’s heart?
What are some of your favorite traits about your child? Why do they deserve to be celebrated today?
Offering Table: Create a offering table together and hold a simple Family Pledge Service in your home- or attend a local ceremony
Cake: Share a cake or favorite treat together as a family. Sing “Happy Children’s Day to You!”
Banner: Create a banner together as a family saying “Happy True Children’s Day!”
Gift: To celebrate God & True Parent’s love for your child: Give them a special gift.
Nature Walk: Go on a nature walk together somewhere beautiful and observe God’s beautiful Creation he made for us. Take a family photo together.
Craft: Make a “All About Me” type of craft together celebrating being children of God! Celebrate how each child is unique and loved. Or make a party hat or crown and on it write “Child of God.”
Coloring Page: Print out and have your child color in a “Child of God” coloring page
Sunday School LessonS:
School of Love Lesson:
Activities, Crafts, Games, Videos, Songs:
Brought to you by Family Federation National Children’s Ministry